申请《冠状病毒中小企业担保计划》澳洲 $25万政府担保生意现金流贷款?一定要看这个视频!| 视频 Finance

根据澳洲 《冠状病毒中小企业担保计划》,政府将向中小企业贷款人提供 50%的担保,用于新的无抵押贷款,以用作营运资金。这将增强借贷方(银行)借贷的意愿和能力,使中小型企业能够获得更多资金,以在未来几个月内为他们提供支持。

当前确认参与此计划的银行和金融机构有 23 家

澳洲中小企业 250k 政府担保现金流贷款细节

贷款额度:最高 $250k

年限:3 年


还款方式:前 6 个月类似 Overdraft 无需偿还利息,后 2.5 年需本息还清贷款

(政府要求贷款的形式是flexible access,也就是说客人需要用钱的时候才收利息,不用钱的时候,应该放在账户上,不产生利息。)

担保:政府担保 50%,银行独立完成信用审批


材料要求:2019 财报+ ATO Portal + 近期 3 个月 business transactions 账单

申请时间:4 月 30 日起至 2020 年 9 月 30日


多数银行针对已有客户“优先”提供此产品申请,新客户需要提供 2018 和 2019 两个财年财报证明其盈利能力确保偿还能力。



Please answer the following questions and advise who will be accepting the consent.

  1. How much do you need?
  2. What will you use it for?
  3. How was the business travelling prior to COVID-19?
  4. Have you or other business partner requested and/or received any other COVID-19 relief?
  5. How long do you require it?
  6. At this early stage what is your expected repayment source?
  7. What are the specific impacts of COVID-19 on the your business performance (for example has it impacted sales and to what degree, impact on collection of debtors, impact on expenses etc).
  8. What is your strategies to manage your cash flow and business operations over the next six months?
  9. Post the COVID-19 pandemic, do you have a view about how long your business will take to return to normal trading conditions and, if so, what is your strategy to achieve this?
  10. Please provide FY19 Financial statement.

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